There is no better time to upgrade your thermostat than right now. The advancements in technology with home comfort require that homeowners follow suit and keep up by installing the latest state-of-the-art devices.
Your thermostat is a critical component of your heating and cooling system. If you’ve had the same thermostat for several years, you could be missing out on convenient, money-saving features without even realizing it.
Heating and Cooling in Vallejo, CA
Whether you’re running your air conditioner or your furnace, it’s your thermostat that regulates when your HVAC system kicks on and off. Replacing your thermostat is an excellent way to make sure your home is always comfortable, and you’ll save money on your energy bills, too.
Even if you think your thermostat is working properly, it may not be. Following are some clues to look for that may signal that it’s time to replace your thermostat:
You Might Need a New Thermostat If…
Your Air Conditioner was Replaced, but Not Your Thermostat
Any time you replace your air conditioner (or furnace, for that matter), your thermostat should also be replaced. This ensures that the entire system will be paired as entirely new, resulting in peak efficiency and operation.
Pairing an old thermostat with a new air conditioner or furnace can actually ruin the efficiency of your system, negating much of the benefit of a new A/C or furnace. Modern thermostats work to optimize both the efficiency and the comfort of your home.
Your Furnace or A/C Keeps Turning Off or On
When a system keeps turning on and off constantly, it’s called short cycling. This is not only bad for the system, but also for your home. Short cycling causes an immense amount of premature wear and tear on your system, which will struggle to maintain your home’s temperature. The primary function of the thermostat is to send signals to your furnace and air conditioner for proper operation.
If the thermostat isn’t working properly, it can send signals to the system to turn on even though it’s not needed. Then, almost immediately, it senses the temperature has reached the desired setting and sends a signal to your HVAC to shut right back off again. If you notice this happening, start your troubleshooting by replacing the thermostat.
Your Energy Bills are Suspiciously High
Just about everyone looks for ways to lower their energy bills. When there’s a problem with your thermostat, nothing you do will make the difference you’re looking for until you change that thermostat. When you notice that your energy bills are higher than normal, the first thing to look to is the thermostat.
Usually, a thermostat that isn’t working correctly will cause your HVAC system to work harder than it should be. It will often cause the short cycling issue described above. The more your system cycles each hour, the more power it uses, and the higher your energy bills will be.
You Notice Constant Temperature Shifts
A faulty thermostat is going to have a hard time maintaining the settings you require, and can even mysteriously shift the temperature settings on its own without warning. You can test for the presence of this issue by lowering the settings for a while and seeing what happens. If you still notice a wide range of variations in your home’s temperature, you’ll need to replace that thermostat.
HVAC Service in Contra Costa and Napa Counties
If you suspect that your thermostat may need to be replaced, call on the leading HVAC company in the Bay Area to get the job done right. A-1 Guaranteed Heating & Air, Inc. serves customers in Fairfield, Solano, Vacaville, Napa and Contra Costa counties, and the Bay Area.
Contact us today to schedule an appointment and get a new thermostat installed for your HVAC system.